ChrisTV PVR Professional v.5.63 ChrisTV PVR Professional 5.Pioneer PVR Communicator v.1.0 The Pioneer PVR Communicator is a software which can connect PC computer with PVR through the Ethernet.Currently, this is a read only filesystem. It is designed to support the filesystem used on Dish (Echostar) 501, 508 and 510 series PVR boxes. Dish 50x/510 PVR Filesystem v.1.0 dishpvrfs is a linux kernel filesystem module written in C.It attempts to provide the same functionality as the official IPPVR software, but to be more robust to transmission errors, portable and community. NFusion Nova PVR Server v.0.0.2 nfpvr is an open-source PVR server for the nFusion Nova FTA satellite receiver.
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ChrisTV PVR Standard v.5.50 ChrisTV PVR Standard is a standard PVR application designed.Connect the TV cards type DVB-T for Freeview / DTT or DVB-S for satellite to aerial / satellite dish and computer. Imaging PVR v.7.3 TV card software / TV tuner software- takes over TV card on computer.